Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My first hockey post

Allow me to take this opportunity to show you something I actually had the prviledge of watching live at the event ...


The joy of the assembled throng was indeed made complete by a win of the hockey game, too.

Go Stars.


Michael Tams said...

That's one serious left hook.


Michael Tams said...

The question on my mind is: when will the second hockey post get created?? ;)

Next week they start playing the games for real in towns like Chicago and Kansas City. I'll probably have something to say about that (ya think?).


P.S. The best part of football season is the blatant brainwashing I am engaging in with my children. They practically sprang forth chanting the "Bear Down" fight song.

Sebosmile said...

Love the quote at the top of your blog! Very clever.

Prayers for your wife, I hope everything works out well.

Ah, hockey... Gotta love the random violence on and off the ice, lol. Waaaaaaaay more interesting to be there watching a hockey game then most other sports! :)

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Northpal said...

Bring Evelyn Schwartz home for Christmas. She has been abducted by Adult Protective Services, despite being of sound mind and body, despite having a caretaker and a power of attorney. http://www.youtube.com/user/Thefreedomlink#p/u/0/SbJNQarjioU

"I am sore wounded but not slain
I will lay me down and bleed a while
And then rise up to fight again"

Your fellow Patriot
Joe Northpal