Saturday, June 30, 2007

Toking Horses

The Capitalist Pig must be positively squealing.

It seems that the city council of Louisville, Kentucky, has seen fit to ban smoking everywhere ... with a couple of small exceptions.

The ordinance would prohibit smoking in all public places in this one-time tobacco hub, with the exception of Churchill Downs racetrack and any tobacco manufacturer.

Why would anyone want to infringe upon the liberty of a business owner to permit smoking in his establishment? According to ASH (Action on Smoking and Health, a "National Legal-Action Antismoking Organization Entirely Supported by Tax-Deductible Donations"),

The Health Department study found a clear tie between secondhand smoke and health problems not only for children and adults but also on developing fetuses.

Pardon me if I go all Coulter on you, but: How quaint. Louisville city council only wants gamblers, quasi-sports broadcasters, tobacco manufacturers, and racehorses to have heath problems ?

By the way, there's another phenomenon out there that has a proven link to heath problems on developing fetuses; his name is George Tiller, but I find the local magistrates of that murderer's fair city somewhat slow to pass ordinances calling for the forced impoverisment of that entity.

I had thought Louisville to be a bastion of liberty among our darkening metropolises. Say it ain't so.


Terry Morris said...

Dude, don't even get me started!


Edmund Schrag said...

Umm, isn't that just what the comments are for, Mr. Morris?

I insist.

Michael Tams said...

Illinois has enacted a state wide smoking ban in restaurants and bars commencing in January.

(crickets chirping)

While this is well-intentioned, we all know that old line about good intentions. I hear that some states (was New York one of them?) are contemplating even outlawing smoking in one's car.

Is it a bad habit? Of course. Does it in some respects burden the health care system? Probably.

But I'm amazed at how smokers have become an acceptable class of people to "persecute." People have no problem - believe me, I have witnessed it - confronting smokers about how bad their habit is and what it is doing to their bodies. There are plenty of other unhealthy lifestyle factors (say, someone who eats fast food every day) that people wouldn't DREAM of criticizing. It's all very peculiar to me.


Michael Tams said...


Was it something I said...?

I don't see a comments section on your latest posts, was this deliberate??


Edmund Schrag said...

My apologies. Somehow, it turned off the comments. You know how it's been for me learning the ropes. The disappearance of comments, however, was totally unexpected.

Anonymous said...

i think its really nice ,,

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