Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My first hockey post

Allow me to take this opportunity to show you something I actually had the prviledge of watching live at the event ...


The joy of the assembled throng was indeed made complete by a win of the hockey game, too.

Go Stars.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Return of the Schrag

My apologies, dear reader, for my prolonged absence. The hospitalization of my loving wife (all the others have thus far failed to appear) thankfully ended precisely as we prepared to leave for The Lake on the eve of the Republic's Independence Day. Returning home and returning to work has placed a burthen on my time, but I anticipate getting a better handle on it in the near term.

As such, I haven't much to say at the moment, except that I yet live and ... "Ain't gunpowder grand!"